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Author Comments 13


  1. Feel good once i found this sloka. request to team please do add some more for our knowledge & more learning about our spiritual ideas.


  2. Thank you Dileep. Yes, we are in the process of adding more content. I hope you will find those useful!

  3. Is it possible to make the database accessible via an index instead of mandatory (and only through) search?

  4. (Author)

    Yes, I will make the index of books available in next three days. The list of indexed journals may remain invisible for copyright concerns.

  5. (Author)

    The index has been made available since then on omega.ekvastra.in.

  6. Dear Jyoti,

    I hope you are well.
    I’m Harshvardhan Joshi, a 24 y/o mountaineer from Vasai, near Mumbai. I’m attempting the summit of Mt. Everest and have around 5 reputed press articles (The Hindu, Free Press Journal, Mumbai Mirror, to be published Bombay Times) around my mountaineering articles and 5 regional ones (in Marathi)
    My website is sangharsh.co
    Let me know if you think we should give it a try for my wikipedia page creation. I want to create it for adding credibility to my campaign and profile. since I’m crowdfunding using my website.

    Best regards

  7. (Author)

    Thanks for reaching out Harshvardhan. Accept my best wishes and appreciation for what you are doing. I have reached out to you over email.

  8. In न त्वहम् कामये राज्यम् ………, न पुनर्भवम्। should read as नापुनर्भवम्। Similarly the meaning also should be changed from “not even rebirth” to “not even moksha”.

  9. Excellent job I want to purchase the full source code of Hindi spell check website

  10. Just wanted to ask if you would be interested in getting external help with graphic design? We do all design work like banners, advertisements, photo edits, logos, flyers, etc. for a fixed monthly fee.

    We don’t charge for each task. What kind of work do you need on a regular basis? Let me know and I’ll share my portfolio with you.

  11. The shloka Na tvaham kaamaye rajyam…….
    There is a serious mistake.
    Either write ‘naapunarbhavam’ (नापुनर्भवम्) or split it as ‘na apunarbhavam’ (न अपुनर्भवम्)
    punarbhavam (पुनर्भवम्)=rebirth, apurnabhavam (अपुनर्भवम्)=state of not having to take birth again=salvation
    Why does this mistake occur in 99% of the printed media and e-media? Because all make the mistake of splitting the word ‘naapunarbhavam’ (नापुनर्भवम्) as ‘na + punarbhavam (न + पुनर्भवम्)’. It should be split as ‘na apunarbhavam’ (न + अपुनर्भवम्).

  12. Res Team members,
    You may upgrade page https://hindispell.ekvastra.in/ from http://geocities.ws/brijesh/spellcheckerhindi/ . Will be updating in future.

  13. Hi
    Need your pointers on a couple of important subjects. Prefer to discuss over email instead.



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